- About
- Mission, values and drivers
- Dixons Academies Trust
- Our academy day
- Curriculum
- Uniform
- Attendance
- Homework
- Information for families
- Leadership
- Remote learning
- Mountain rescue
- Careers education
- Exam results and performance tables
- Extra-curricular electives
- Digital gateway to our library
- Policies and documents
- My Child at School App
- Suspension work
- Safeguarding
- Governance
- Ofsted
- Research School
- GDPR and privacy
- Website privacy
- Lunch Menu
- Year 9 Options 2025
Mission, values and drivers
At Fazakerley, we have many minds but one mission: we ensured all students succeeded at university, or a real alternative, thrived in a rewarding career and had a purposeful and happy life.
Our core values of respect, integrity and determination permeate all that we do. From the moment a student arrives at Dixons Fazakerley Academy, we ask them to live these values:
We never give up. No matter how challenging things get, we keep climbing.
We do the right thing because it is the right thing to do. We do this even when people are not watching.
We value each other. We promote the hopes, qualities and achievements of every member of our community.
We also focus on three key drivers: Mastery, which is the drive to get better at things that matter; Autonomy, or the drive to direct our own lives; and Purpose, which is the drive to connect to a cause larger than ourselves (Dan Pink, ‘Drive‘).
We clearly communicate our mission, values and drivers throughout every day so that the whole school community know the purpose of everything that we do. We know why we move around school in the way that we do, we know why we wear our uniform in the way that we do and we know why we look at the speaker in all of our lessons.
Through rigour, simplicity and a relentless focus on success, all students work hard every day to climb the mountain to university or a real alternative.